Treating varroa without killing your bees: Expert advice

Varroa is without a doubt one of the biggest scourges that beekeepers have to face today. This formidable mite parasitizes adult bees and brood, considerably weakening the colonies. If nothing is done to eradicate it, it can lead to death. the total loss of hives. Fortunately, there are effective methods of combating varroa that help preserve human health. and the survival of bees. In this article, we give you expert advice for treating varroa without harming your skin. your precious workers.

Detection methods

Before treating, it is crucial to confirm the presence and extent of the infestation. Detection methods include:

  • Counting varroa mites on bottom boards: Place a greased board under the hive to capture falling varroa mites, allowing an estimate of the infestation.
  • The icing sugar test: Shake bees into a jar containing icing sugar. The sugar disorients the mites, which fall when the jar is shaken on a black surface.

Treatment strategies

Natural Treatments

  1. Prefer treatments with essential oils : Essential oils such as thyme, menthol or oxalic are very effective natural solutions against varroa. When applied correctly, they paralyze and kill mites without affecting the bees. Additionally, these treatments are easy to perform. to implement and inexpensive.
  1. Use organic acids (handle with care): Formic and oxalic acids constitute a very effective shock treatment against varroa in the hive. However, these products can be dangerous for bees if they are not applied rigorously according to expert recommendations. Adequate training is therefore essential to handle these acids safely.

Mechanical methods

  1. Adopt the artificial swarm technique: This method consists of divide a strong colony in two, isolating the capped brood; of the Queen. The brood remains in the original hive without the bees, who join the queen in a new hive. The varroa mites thus remain trapped in the hive without bees and die for lack of hosts. A radical solution, but welcomed by many beekeepers!
  1. Raise resistant queens: Selective breeding programs now make it possible to produce queens that are more naturally resistant to varroa. By replacing your old queens with these new strains, your colonies will be more healthy. even to fight against the invasion of mites by themselves.
  2. Install mesh floors: Mesh floors allow varroa mites that have fallen from the combs to escape by gravity, without being able to go back into the hive. Although it is not a miracle solution, combined with this, à other methods, it helps to significantly reduce infestations.

Precautions and best practices

  • Choose the right time: Treat when the infestation exceeds a critical threshold but with as little brood as possible, often at the end of summer. or early fall.
  • Precise dosage: Follow the instructions carefully to avoid overdosing the bees.
  • Treatment rotation: Vary treatments to prevent varroa resistance.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

An IPM approach combines mechanical methods, natural treatments and careful monitoring to keep varroa populations at bay. manageable levels without excessive use of chemicals.

Opt for Stop Varroa, an innovative treatment

In addition to the methods mentioned previously, there are products specifically designed to combat varroa in a safe and way. >effective. Among them, Stop Varroa stands out as an interesting solution.

Advantage of Stop Varroa:

  • Eradicates varroa in24 hours.
  • Suitable for organic beekeeping.Our treatment is safe for your bees.
  • The only treatment that guaranteesa 100% success rate. Money back guarantee.
  • Simple applicationdirectly to both sides of the frame using a sprayer.
  • Can be applied all year round,in all weather and temperature conditions.
  • Economical: 1 liter can treat 20 hives.
  • Long-lasting:the treatment provides protection against varroafor one year.


Varroa mite management is crucial for the survival of bees. By adopting a balanced approach, based on careful monitoring and judicious use of treatments, it is possible to control varroa infestations without compromising the health of the patient. of your precious bees. The key is continuing education and adaptation to methods that promote development. both health and health bees and productivity of the hive.