Varroa mite: Where does it come from?

 The Varroa mite is native to Southeast Asia, where it cohabited with the Asian bee Apis cerana for centuries. This bee has developed a certain resistance to the parasite, allowing it to maintain a natural balance. However, the arrival of Varroa in Europe in the mid-1980s had devastating consequences for the European honey bee Apis mellifera, which has not developed the same defenses against this invasive parasite.

The parasite was first identified in 1904 by Japanese entomologist K. Watanabe on Apis cerana bees in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. However, it was not until the 1960s that Varroa destructor was identified as a threat to European honey bees (Apis mellifera).

Since then, Varroa destructor has spread worldwide, likely due to international trade in bees and bee products. Today, the parasite is present in almost all countries where honey bees are kept, making it a major threat to the health of bee colonies and to beekeeping production.

Biology of Varroa destructor

Varroa destructor is a reddish-brown mite, measuring about 1.5 mm long. Females are larger than males and have a round, flat body. Males have a more elongated and slender body. Both sexes have eight legs and are covered with hairs.

Life cycle of Varroa destructor

The life cycle of Varroa destructor is closely linked to that of the host bee. Female Varroa mites enter the cells of bee brood just before they are capped. Once inside, the female Varroa feeds on the hemolymph of the bee larva and lays eggs on the cell walls. The eggs hatch into larvae, which also feed on the hemolymph of the bee larva. The Varroa larvae then transform into nymphs and then into adults. Male Varroa mites die after mating with females, while females leave the cell with the emerging adult bee.

Honey bees are particularly vulnerable to Varroa destructor because they have not developed natural resistance to the parasite, unlike some Asian bee species. The parasite feeds on the hemolymph of bees, weakening their immune system and making them more susceptible to disease. In addition, Varroa destructor can also transmit viruses to bees, which can lead to a decline in colony population.

How to fight Varroa destructor?

There are several methods for fighting Varroa destructor, including the use of acaricides, the selection of bees resistant to the parasite, and the practice of environmentally friendly beekeeping. But the most important treatment is the Stop Varroa Treatment.

The Stop Varroa Treatment

The Stop Varroa Treatment is the only treatment that eliminates 100% of varroa mites, making it an ideal solution for beekeepers concerned about the health of their bee colonies. It is also organic and can be used in organic beekeeping, which means it is safe for bees and does not poison honey. In addition, the Stop Varroa Treatment is easy to use. To apply it, simply lift the frames one by one and spray both sides with the treatment. The varroa mite colony will be completely destroyed within 24 hours, ensuring a 100% success rate. In short, the Stop Varroa Treatment is an effective, safe, and easy-to-use solution for eliminating varroa mites and protecting bee colonies.

Advantages of Stop Varroa:

  • Eradicates varroa in 24 hours.
  • Suitable for organic beekeeping. Our treatment is safe for your bees.
  • The only treatment that guarantees a 100% success rate. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
  • Easy application directly on both sides of the frame using a sprayer.
  • Can be applied all year round, in all weather conditions and temperatures.
  • Economical: 1 liter can treat 20 hives.
  • Long-lasting: the treatment provides protection against varroa mites for one year.


Varroa destructor is a formidable parasite of honey bees, native to Southeast Asia. Its life cycle is closely linked to that of the host bee, making it difficult to control. However, by using appropriate control methods and practicing environmentally friendly beekeeping, it is possible to protect bees and maintain healthy colonies.